Date: 2022/07/01
Occasion: Joint Seminar: MATHEXP-PolSys & Transcendence and Combinatorics
Place: Inria Saclay & Sorbonne University, Paris
Apéry's proof of the irrationality of \(\zeta(3)\) relies on representing that value as the limit of the quotient of two rational solutions to a three-term recurrence. We review such Apéry limits and explore a particularly simple instance. We then explicitly determine the Apéry limits attached to sums of powers of binomial coefficients. As an application, we prove a weak version of Franel's conjecture on the order of the recurrences for these sequences. This is based on joint work with Wadim Zudilin.Download
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2022aperylimits-paris.pdf | 1.39 MB | Slides (PDF, 123 pages) | 712 |