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Not the real Midterm Exam #1
- This exam needs to be completed before 2:15pm on Monday, March 1.
- For the first few problems, you need to show your work on a piece of paper (or digitally on your computer) and submit it in USAonline (Canvas) as a PDF. Click on Assignments and select Midterm #1. You have until 2:45pm to upload your work.
- You may use a calculator (or Sage) but, in order to get full credit, you need to show full details in your submitted work as if you were working without a calculator.
- At the top of the first page of your submitted work, you need to include and sign the following statement: I declare that I have completed the submitted work by myself, without consulting another person.
- If there are any issues, keep calm but email me right away.
Good luck!
Problems will be shown here after you identify yourself.