Talk: The congruences of Fermat, Euler, Gauss and stronger versions thereof (LSU)

The congruences of Fermat, Euler, Gauss and stronger versions thereof (LSU)

Date: 2018/10/22
Occasion: Algebra and Number Theory Seminar
Place: Louisiana State University


The Gauss congruences are a natural generalization of the more familiar Fermat and Euler congruences. Interesting families of combinatorial and number theoretic sequences are known to satisfy these congruences. Though a general classification remains wide open, Minton characterized constant recursive sequences satisfying Gauss congruences. We consider the natural extension of this question to Laurent coefficients of multivariate rational functions. One of the motivations for studying Gauss congruences lies in the fact that a certain interesting class of sequences, related to Apéry-like constructions of linear forms in zeta values, conjecturally satisfies stronger versions of these congruences. We outline this story and indicate recent developments. The first part of this talk is based on joint work with Frits Beukers and Marc Houben, while the second part includes joint work with Dermot McCarthy and Robert Osburn.


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